What is the meaning of Bharat Stage (BS)

                                               Bharat Stages (BS)

Bharat stage (BS) is a pollution regulating norm which is implemented by the Bharat government to control the pollution level which is released from internal combustion  engine .These stages are formulated and implementedby the Central Pollution Control Board. In this stages vehicle engine made more efficient than earlier one to release less air pollutants . Till right now four stages are implemented in India  named BS-I , BS- II , BS- III & BS-IV. It is same like euro norm and American norm Tier 1 , Tier 2.etc. It is supposed that  till 2020 govt. Will implement BS - VI . Since October 2010, Bharat Stage (BS) III norms have been enforced across the country. In 2017 govt. rienforced  BS IV. 

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